Goodbye 2024! Welcome 2025!
Overview of 2024 from an investor’s point of view
If we take a look at what is happening in the #real estate market as we bid farewell to 2024, we will see that sales activity has increased slightly towards the end of the year. In fact, high cost and high rents-prices can be seen as the general result of what happened in our country in the last 6 years. However, with the increase of prices on all grounds, it was possible for buyers to create funds by selling their second homes or cars.
Of course, we are not going to stop living just because prices are high. We want to invest. So, it may seem normal for us to think that the more affordable we can get the real estate we buy, the better. For buyers or sellers, it is inevitable to miss opportunities, in other words, to lose especially in this period.
Offers need to be smart-reasonable from a buyer’s point of view and sellers need to be openminded to offers at all times. An agreeable level occurs with two motivated sides at the table.
If we look at the distribution of the sales we made in 2024 by type, we see that in almost 80% of the transactions, the sellers who accepted MARE’s #rightprice, achieved the result. In the other 20% of the transactions, the sellers were already able to determine the right value without our valuation, they only needed our marketing power to reach the result.
MARE’s take from 2024 and its vision towards 2025
Since we are a relatively new company, almost all of our sales were made among our new customers, but especially towards the end of our second year, we started to see the same customers coming to us for new investments. This made us happy and showed that we can look to the future with confidence.
Expectations for 2025 vary. While some of our customers think that prices will or should increase, there are also those who think there will be no change, and those who think prices may decrease also exist.
As #mareinvestment, we think that the changes are not due to a single factor, and prices can only change in relation to increasing/decreasing demand. We believe it is not possible to see significant increases, considering that it is really unlikely for all the required changes to happen at the same time in one year. Of course, there is no single truth and with our open nature to discussion, we welcome both buyers and sellers to meet with us.
Happy new year in advance. Let 2025 be a good year for everyone!